Who is Devdutt Pattanaik ? Devdutt Pattanaik is an Indian mythologist, [1] speaker, illustrator, and author, [2] known for his writing on sacred lore, legends, folklore, fables, and parables. [3] His work focuses largely on the areas of myth, religion, mythology, and management. Pattanaik has incorporated the Mahabharata and the Ramayana into human resource management. [4] He has written books on the relevance of sacred stories, symbols, and rituals in modern times; his more popular books include Myth = Mithya: A Handbook of Hindu Mythology [5] ; Jaya: An Illustrated Retelling of the Mahabharata [6] ; and Sita: An Illustrated Retelling of the Ramayana [7] and My Gita. Pattanaik writes columns for Mid-Day , [8] Times of India, [9] Swarajya , [10] CN Traveller, [11] Daily O [12] and Scroll.in. [13] He hosts a radio show/podcast for Radio Mirchi [14] called the Devdutt Patnaik Show. - Wikipedia In a world without social media, Pattanaik would most likely continue to